Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I'm now in a middle of a dilemma. Situation gets worse when I couldn't only decide but the deadline of submitting my proposal is approaching soon.

I have a few ideas to do for my final year project but then they seem to be quite hard to be accomplished.

My first idea was to build a chess set that can teach noob peoples to play. It allows user to know where the chess pieces can move. The idea is something like below:

Minus out the save/load part, I'm not that pro yet.

My second idea was to create the Instrument Landing System (ILS). It's a system that allows the pilot to land their plane during poor visibility. This system is usually built at the runway transmitting signals and the plane as a receiver. What I'm trying to build is like the picture below:

Plane entering the glide path

Or my most ambitious dream is to build a UAV, Unman Aerial Vehicle. =)


This project sure ganna take more than 3 people to do it. If I manage to do it, the next day I'll be kidnapped to Middle East.

Still undecided... HELP!!!

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