The very stressful and tiring day has just past. Two assignments and two test under the same lecturer had stretch me to the max. Just to finish and to think of a simple solution took me nights doing so. For a week non healthy lifestyle, eg. eating McDonald for 5 times a week, sleep late, no exercise for a month and bla bla bla...
Life was so down till last Wednesday, I get to train with my fellow friends. I found out that I myself couldn't even run two rounds of the 400 meter field and the best moment of that day is I get to spar with people. Its the best way to release stress. What makes my day happier is... they are allowed to wear the body protector meaning full force is allowed =)
This is how they look when in the colourful protectorWhich make them look like this too:
A turtle/tortoiseAnyway, yesterday i received a call while having my lunch. It was from an *unknown* fella. I answered the called and that guys introduced himself to me and bla bla bla... Saya dari Syarikat "Power Root" dan saya ingin mengucap tahniah kepada tuan kerana tuan telah memenangi RM5000. I keep on OK, OK, OK, OK till he says saya memerlukan nombor akaun tuan untuk memasuki wang. I said "Har!!!" Hung up the phone after that.
Hopefully that call was really from a con man and not from Fly.FM.
Ban in my blog and my lifeNow i phobia see Power Root d