Firstly, for the past 3 months I had been busy with my project "Ultrasonic Wind Speed Meter" which gives me lots of headache.
WTH is it???
It is an instrument that is used to measure the wind speed that is blowing using Ultrasonic Transducers/Sensors.
For what on earth people want to measure wind???
Cars measure the speed through the revolution per minute (RPM) of your wheel, planes measure speed through the air that is blowing towards them.
How does ultrasonic used to measure wind???
=D leave a comment on the chatbox if you are interested.
In this project, this is also my first time manual routing on EAGLE. (this sentence is just to satisfy myself)
The second event will be the Psychomotor and Psychometric test for MAS Cadet Pilot. I waited very long for a reply from MAS Human Resource and thank god they saw my profile.
I was invited to attend a selection test with them which will test your natural skills or I would say talent. My appointment was on Friday(lucky me no class on that day) at 9am and I have to be at the airport at 6am (not to mention the previous night I slept at 2.30am because of attending a PIC class for the project). Anyway, it was my first time going for a selection makes me damn freaking nervous and for a moment my blood are cold (I cannot absorb heat). I flew to Subang Airport where the "Big Event" location was just held opposite the airport. Honestly speaking the airport was way too small to be an International Airport. I wonder how it can handle the passengers last time.
After finding my way to MAS complex B, I was stop by the security to get permission to enter and bla bla bla... I have to surrender my driving license and obtain a Visitor Pass.
After obtaining the pass, I fail to find the place I'm suppose to go and at that time it's still early; meaning nobody to ask where is the selection held but lucky walk and walk and walk till bump a MAS worker and ask for direction.
Upon reaching the destination, I found out that I'm the latest (paling lewat) to arrive but still in time for it. My session consist of 4 people and i forgotten all their names already. One from Sabah, two from Selangor and me myself from Penang. After the attendance was taken, me and the Sabah guy got insulted by asking us to measure our height on the marked wall. >.< Flight Training Center (place I took the test) looks small and about one and a half storey tall but inside it, it houses all the flight simulator that is own by MAS fleet. On my way to the physcomotor room, I walk pass all the simulators and the walls are hang with all the MAS current and retired fleet pictures.
Nevertheless, I was close to achieving my dream but still far away. I pass the physcomotor test but failed the psychometric. I underestimated their test and did not revise anything about it. By the way, that Flight Training Center is a good place to wash your eyes for both guys and gals. Lots of "yeng" pilot walking up and down there in plain clothes but their tags and walking style are the one that isolates them but the Chinese pilots are a bit arrogant compared to others where they give you a friendly welcome and good luck wishes. The bad thing I find most of the pilots there is that they love to smoke. I indirectly became a passive smoker sitting near them. As for the guys, got Firefly and MAS air stewardess walking pass too. That time all FOUR pairs of eyes were eying them =D
Anyway, I vow to return to MAS again and make sure they take me in.