Friday, November 7, 2008

Boredom Strikes Back!!!

Its just the first week of my holiday and I feel so bored. I seriously need to find something to do or else people surrounding me will find me annoying again. Arghhh HELP!!!! What should I do for my 2 MONTH holidays.

This is what i did for the past week :
Monday, stay at home and sleep. Woke up at 9am then sleep back at 2pm wake up at 6pm. Slept again at 1am. Whole day SLEEPING....

Tuesday, do some house repairs, go paint the zinc. That really keep me occupied for that day or else my agenda of the day will be like Monday.

Wednesday, play bowling. Played a few rounds then went home. browse for interesting videos from YouTube at the night.

Thursday, played badminton. Sweat a lot. Got one very challenging player played wif us. I only get to smash on to his hody once NIA!!!! so sad. But i learn how to counter cross court technique.

Friday, Same like Monday. SLEEP again...

All my fun activities are pushed to weekends and my weekdays is just like this..... Arghhh...
Now u can see. So short my activities that i had done. Somebody got to seriously tell me what to do.

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